HOPE: PROP. 86 All but 3 of my Amazon Book Reviews from the past 3 years have
mysteriously disappeared just 3 weeks before this election. My own
publisher wouldn’t help market my book either. Censorship raises its ugly head in the most unusual ways. Maybe this
is the Muslin nation our rookie Commander-in-Chief claims or maybe just Nazi Germany II where liberals are the 2nd into the
furnaces. Beware what you wish for!
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he wouldn't have stolen GM and ripped-off its stockholders, destroyed life savings and given away 1/3 of the Company
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SENTRYMAN last point about Speaker Gingrich...1-29-12; As to Mitt feigning “how dare you” outrage during the last debate, when announcing
Newt also has the same Fannie/Fred investments, Newt got bling-sided…
A more clever
come-back might have been; You’ve been waiting for me to say that, haven’t you Mitt?….. Your guys set-me-up and I played into the trap. I won’t make that mistake again. (Good going, 1 point Mitt)
But since Newt wasn’t attacking Mitt at the time, but just defending himself from the Mitt minion’s endless
onslaught of vicious TV commercials erroneously attempting to paint Newt as a mercenary for Fannie/Fred, all while Mitt
simultaneously held the same investiture, though Mitt was sharp enough to protect & coveted his investments by Off-shore “Speak-no-evil/Tell-no-tales” Caymans & Switzerland shelters, Newt
got suckered since he didn’t have his gloves on and lost a well-played point to the Hot Shot!
.....But that
was hardly spontaneous with Mitt lying in wait, nor was it Mitt’s strategy for that matter, as we all know and have
not seen such stealth and guile from the Mitt’ster during each debate!!
And as for Mitt’s commercials,
with Brokaw no less, haranguing about “Newt made 1.6 Mil.”, that’s again a distortion. Mitt knows very well
that was Newt’s consulting firm’s fee with Newt’s take at $35k personally for his advice, while Mitt
on the other hand earned his $Million personally from his Fannie/Fred investments….. (Ohhhh,
don’t blame me, it was my investment analyst. I never knew!..Duh)
So, big deal, which is OK really,
heck it’s gambling anyways and free enterprise. But Mitt, don’t get all sanctimonious about it Mister Governor. Anyone could hire Newt’s wisdom = free enterprise, but he can’t
make them use it and Newt didn’t run the company. Those were personal friends of Barney and the Democrat party! We all know how they love the Republicans trying to clip their wings for a decade….
bone Newt should pick with Mitt is that: “Newt resigned in disgrace”, another Lie. Newt’s clarified the
$350k fine, another distortion. Newt’s Site, ( corrects the record and explains the truth!
Why Mitt authorizes these tactics or condones
this skullduggery is the real issue. Must Mitt play the game like a Democrat
in order to win?
Why don’t we all concentrate on the real culprit without the hyperbole, that’s Barack,
instead of wasting Newt’s time making him defend the innuendos, accusations and downright deceptions? Mitt should express
his ideas and employ some real solutions, unless hyperbole is all Mitt’s got to work with.
As to the Pelosi
global Ad, that was at least a non-partisan attempt by Newt to come together and recognize a global problem. Newt never said
it was “Man-Made” global warming, nor has he ever thought about it in that way. Pundits all have their own
spin and agendas today, we all know that, so cut the crap!
Sure, climate change needs to be addressed, but accurately
and with understanding, dispassionately without the hysteria or propaganda. And especially not with any Cap’n tax rhetoric.
Mitt understands the Dem’s and the progressive’s tricks for their primary objective
and purpose in life, the permanent extraction of tax revenue from the American taxpayer! After 40 years of solid
control of Washington, before Newt, they eliminated so many problems permanently. Didn’t
Newt’s only mistake was with whom he sat on the couch with. A lovely individual that
enjoyed indicting Newt 84 times, and after two years of trying to destroy him, MS Pelosi was
saddened to accept that Newt had been cleared of all the DEMs trumped–up charges, boo hoo.
Newt extended an olive branch and it was chewed-off, surprise, but Mitt shouldn’t take-up the DEM’s
gauntlet of subterfuge, come-on!
Now as for Newt’s Moon base, we know it’s a stepping stone to the
stars. Surely everyone on the planet knows that. A project that will pay for itself with eons of dividends just as the
first time Kennedy suggested a tougher goal, and we did it on schedule. It’s a human goal, an American goal; the inevitable
goal… A great country needs great goals!
goal that’s certainly for a far better purpose than relegating NASA to the promotion of Islamic
ties around the globe. That would be the State Department, with a Muslim President….Though all religions,
that ONLY “embrace LIFE”, should be protected, that’s not the function of government! REMEMBER Mitt?
Jeepers folks, smarten-up, this isn’t American Idol, or a contest for picking a
movie star spokesperson to be a Pitchman…we already one of those.
This is a job interview for choosing
the most effective manager to serve the people of this historic nation, to get us out of this mess!....And that’s precisely
why the establishment doesn’t appreciate the prospect of Newt succeeding once again in changing the status quo….AGAIN!!!……
WHY?...Because NEWT is the only one that already did it, and 4x’s no less….
No One Else In The Befuddled History Of Washington Can Say That!
...But Does That Earn Him The Right
For The Spot, Noooo…Not In This Goofy Society, We Pick Rookies As Saviors
For The Toughest Job On The Planet.
The Washington Establishment doesn’t
like Newt and they all fear him, on both sides of the isle!!....BIG SURPRISE. They don’t want someone derailing
the gravy train, AGAIN!...
That should be reason enough to give him the job, if we could think rationally. THIS IS EXACTLY THE RIGHT MAN AT THE RIGHT TIME, LIKE 2001.
This is a job interview, period, and not to tear each other down, but to raise America up by defeating a succeeding president with his own very special agenda!
How can you be swayed
by one Mitt performance, are we that vassal and shallow?...This isn’t American Idol, this is Life and Death.
Thanks for
a great post explaining how Romney use of subterfuge to hide his liberal ideology while going after Gingrich. The more
I learn about Romney, the less I like him.
Romney is the Republican Establishment candidate of choice.
I have seen how the Republican Establishment sabotaged Christine O'Donnell run for the US Senate. The Republican Establishment
is using the redistricting process to get rid of Congressman Allen West. I see the Republican Establishment is trying
to marginalized the Tea Party.
George Soros
sees little difference between Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Rodney raises a red flag. I do not see Mitt Romney as a
leader that will move America away from the Socialist-Progressive path that we are on.
Back when pigNEWTon was going through his tale of woes, you couldn't pick up a newspaper
or magazine without there being some article about his ethics violations and the embarassment he was to his party and this
country. Newspapers and magazines haven't changed, they have always been reporting for the left.
tv news anchor couldn't wait to spew more info about pigNEWTon. Once the negativity got out, the damage was done.
I read and heard it all way back when. Today, they give Anthony Wiener a pass but it is not the same for Republicans.
Most middle class voters get their their information from ABC,CBS, and NBC and it is not the truth and they will go
to the voting booths armed with those lies. As great as this site is, you have to get your message to the middle class
and the Independants as preaching to the choir only informs the choir.
We couldn't "sell them"
on Sarah, nor convince her to run, so our outreach has to change.
E., I love ya, but what's your point?...I'm too old, too tired and too broke
to care about pigs, when we all live with swine in government every day.
Newt lost tonight in Florida because either;
no one is really paying attention and can be so easily swayed by a few trite comments during
a staged performance, or by some negative innuendos in thousands of TV ads, 65 to 1, compared to a few hundred ads defending Gingrich,
or those who are oblivious to
reality and the ways of the real world, not the one on MTV,
or those who just
don't care as long as they've got's all theatre, Trash Wives in a City near you and the Kardashians,
reaping millions off the bare-behind of a family member's supposed leaked sex tape,
all while our children, and children's children die in some far-off
hellhole defending us all so the fanatical-frenzied-fight doesn’t come to a city near you, Dr. Paul……Wow,
Ya, defending you pal, and also defending THE ENTERTAINERs in Holy-wood, who won't entertain
our troops …puck, puck, puck!
I don't care what “THEY” say Newt did before, during or after. One needs some
kind of common sense, a core value, incorruptible. Know what you think, draw from your better side and believe in what you
know, no matter who's side of the court the ball’s in today, you have that basic knowledge and wisdom not to be swayed
by emotion of the moment. This isn't a spectator sport or some casual game, it's the survival of a way of life that will so
disappear if you don't face-it squarely in the mirror, because it all depends on you now kid. Unless you just want to
be a ward of the STATE for the rest of yours and your descendant’s lives!
to the piffle and politics of this current charade, nothing compares to having a "waiting list" of trollops for JFK and no one cared,
or LBJ good ole gals, or Jimmy lusting after whom ever in the peanut fields, or IKE’s liaison, or FDR’s sweetie, or the King "Bubba" grab-assing and relieving himself at Monica’s expense
in the oval Office on your Dime during office hours!
We currently have an individual in control of the United States
government neutering the military right now, that will win again in November, all because another Judas Goat has
been selected for us to lose with, and the presidente’ will finish-us-off as easily as the communists’ manifesto’s
favorite prophesy about “America will destroy its self from within, without a shot fired,,,,,,,, and more than
one/half of the American citizenry won't see it coming or ever understand, and the rest will soon be bought-off with
cream on their chins..... Thank you NEA and FBI !
I wrote an entire book on the subject and how I felt we could all solve America’s ills, and on the Media juggernaut keeping that "sleepy ill-informed electorate" completely in the dark, many
of whom fill our jury boxes today, inconveniently torn away from their daytime TV with extended unemployment benefits,
and as insignificant or maybe informative as my book may or may not be, NO Newspaper will review it!......So
much for the 1st Amendment!
So, I wouldn’t worry about Newt’s peccadillos, I’d
start worrying more about Sharia Law putting your daughter into a burka someday, or your granddaughter being drowned by her
Muslim dad because she listened to rock ‘n roll, when America becomes molded into a new universal world society in
HIS image after Obama's 2nd term, .....maybe the Mayan's 2012 prophecy may come true!
On second thought, you and I won’t be around to worry anyway because ObamaCare took
care of us along time ago.
SENTRYMAN, I hear you..
Thanks for making a whole lot of sense! Let them go!! _________________________________________________________ Comment by SENTRYMAN just now
Thanks S.....
As for letting Florida go, many are from northern states originally,
which should tell you something.
In fact, some voted twice in 2 states to help Algore, oh my, do-tell!....ha ha
ha, ya,
along with 3-legged voting Haitians, illegals, felons, and inmates from institutions and asylums, lead
by the nose...
They certainly weren't voting for, my, my! I wonder if Robert Redford
or Sean Penn knew? _________________________________________________________
Keep reminding yourself; If Barack hadn’t borrowed and spent $5 Trillion dollars we don’t
have, in 3 years, that we strangely find no substantial evidence of, that the 8+% unemployed American
taxpayers must pay back, not Barack, in order to SAVE or CREATE jobs, & I'm not sure what that gobbledygook
means, during the 2nd worst recession in our life time, so DEM destroyed US economy wouldn’t get
well then Bush and his military must have "successfully protected" Americans by keeping the
enemy at bay over there, "so You didn’t get murdered at home over here", and the 10 year
- $1.3 Trillion dollar wars worked and were genuinely worth it.... RIGHT?
According to the Center for Defense Information,| the estimated cost of the wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan will reach $1.29 trillion by the end of fiscal year 2011.
Democrat’s grand design using the government to manipulate the economy to solve
unemployment thus extending the misery until WWII bailed the Roosevelt administration out in 1940
Jul 16, 2011
DRILLING WILL SAVE AMERICA Hussein, but you know
that, & here the nation sits waiting for the bombs, AKs & scimitars!
Barack's granny-state government should stop taking away OUR
liberties while worrying about TOBACCO, SALT, FAT and SUGAR Intake, and start worrying more about Our LEAD Intake from these
Will voters 'forget'
the 'magnitude' of the recession?
*sidebar...I answered one of those funny Web surveys about End-of-Days:
The Mayan calender ending will be the day .…?
The most guarded secret on the planet will finally be revealed to all, greater than the secret
for the "meaning of life": the recipe for COKE,
or maybe just Obama will win and America will change
forever! Have a nice day.
Ooops, I forgot, another segment of the work force will finally be out of work
also, psychics, soothsayers, fortunetellers and palm readers, but unemployment benefits will be extended again
if you vote Democrat.
......I see it in your future!
thing our Attorney General is watching our backs, or is He just watching US?
Lawyers for the state said Bridgett Frisbie was killed "execution style," with a bullet to the back of the head, after
Olivieri and another teen led the girl into the Katy, Texas woods in Spring =============================================
James Holmes Charged With 142 Counts In Colorado Theater Shooting… ============================================= ...Now with his "Joker's" hair - where did this armed to the teeth CopyCat idiot (black trenchcoat COLUMBINE Super Villian ANYONE), get these ideas......, mom, grandma, his pastor, Future Farmers, 4-H, Explorers, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, after-school
bible study, intramurals, midnight basketball, video-game inventors, the Internet, Bill Gates, Brother's Grimm
...because it's certainly getting grim out there brother? ============================================ Thank you liberal educators, liberal Hollywood, the liberal Media and
liberal mind-think, all of whom proudly reject educational standards, value systems, honor,
Religious indignation or righteousjudgmentalism, coupled with soulful self-examination to absolve personal guilt,
which the lack thereof, under the never-ending supervision of their Psycho-analists, all helped to create
our now financially & morally bankrupt nation after 50 twisted years, this broken society and these liberal
I just remembered, it was Home-Ec class,
or was it Miss Manners, or Brownies, Girl Scouts, etiquette and ethics classes in school, or maybe a
Quilting Bee?
No?.... Must have been the co-ed Mandatory Draft to built character and self-worth, teach love
of country and respect for others and private property....
No, that's the lucky Israeli teenagers!
Our teenagers should be so lucky ...idle hands are...
.11-9-12. Winning
Team for 2016 against Hillary, or against the Emperor's 3rd attempt to be King
of the Planet
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greater than the secret for the "meaning of life":
the recipe for COKE,
or maybe just Obama will win and America will change forever! Have a nice day.
Ooops, I forgot,
another segment of the work force will finally be out of work also,
psychics, soothsayers, fortunetellers and palm readers,
but unemployment benefits will be extended again if you vote Democrat.
......I see it in your future!